The weather has been getting warmer, so it’s natural to want to go out for a stroll in the park. However, the problem with the warmer weather is that there are more pests to worry about. If you have little ones in your family, keeping them protected from pesky insects is crucial. Here are five ways you can protect your infant from pests.

Insect Netting

Insect netting is the perfect way to protect your little one. Insect netting, also called mosquito netting or mesh covering, comes in a variety of sizes. Some covers can fit over your baby’s stroller, car seat and crib. If you are outdoors, you can even use a small pop-up tent for your baby to relax or nap in.

Insect Repellent

For infants over six months of age, there are a few insect repellent options available.  Use a non-toxic bug spray to avoid exposing your baby to too many chemicals. However, if you are going to be in an area with a lot of insects, you can use a product that contains no more than 20 to 30 percent DEET.

The Center for Disease Control has also said applying bug spray to clothes instead of the skin is okay. Insect repellent with 0.5 percent permethrin can be sprayed on clothes or gear.

Avoid using sunscreen that has built-in insect repellent. Sunscreen needs to be applied frequently, which puts your child in contact with more chemicals than necessary. Instead, opt for a bug spray that needs to be applied only once.

Cover Baby’s Skin

When going outdoors, a simple way to keep your infant protected is by covering his or her skin. Cover your baby up with long sleeves and long pants. If your baby has a minimal amount of skin exposed, the chances of getting bitten by bugs decreases.

Avoid Certain Areas

Avoid places where there are a lot of bugs when you go out for a walk with your baby. For example, tick populations tend to be found in wooded and high-grassy areas. Mosquitoes will favor tall grasses and weeds, forests, and areas with pools of stagnant water. Dense vegetation is also a favorite for pesky insects.

Avoid Insect Peak Times

Insects have certain times of day or months where they are more active than others. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk and the peak season for ticks is from April to September. Plan your baby’s daily activities or your family vacations with insect peak times in mind.


There are many ways you can protect your infant from pests. However, if they do get bitten, try to keep them from scratching the area. Use a cold compress or a cool bath to help decrease itching and swelling. For more information on pests or how to stay protected, contact Lethal Pest Solutions today.