When you have a pest problem, you want to know that you are going to get the professional service that you need from a NJ exterminator. You expect the best, and you need it taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible. In order to get the quality service you need from an exterminator, however, you will want to use the following steps to ensure you get the best:

  • Find out if the exterminator has experience with your type of pest problem. Sometimes, pest control companies specialize, but you will want one with expertise with your specific pest problem.
  • Best practice – get references. There really is no substitute for this, so go with one that comes with referrals from your friends or relatives that have used the company.
  • Find out if the exterminator is trained and licensed in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.
  • Look to see if there are any guarantees. If they are dealing with termites, you also want to know if they have liability insurance just in case they never actually get rid of them.
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there are complaints against the company. Your state will also have a similar list.
  • Get at least 2 or 3 estimates before you buy, then compare services offered and price before you choose one.
  • Find out how long the service is good for. There will be a contract, and it will state how many months they will service your home or business.
  • Learn what chemicals the exterminator will use and how they are distributed in your home or business. In most cases, you want to go for limited amounts and limited distribution. Note that warmer climates may require a wider usage.
  • Understand how often treatments are repeated and how many treatments are covered in the contract.
  • For termite contracts, find out if the damaged wood will be replaced, and when reinspections will be performed. Also learn about where treatment stations will be placed and the types of chemicals used get the labels.
  • Find out what the company will do in the way of prevention, how long it will take, and how often they need to return for inspections, cleanup, etc.

Depending on the particular pest, your service professional should always perform the services as covered in the Agreement. Do not expect anything to be done for you if it is not in print. Make sure that you understand all aspects of the Agreement, too, before you sign anything. Ask questions if you need to.