Everyone homeowner fears the possibility of bed bugs taking up residence in their bed, furniture or anywhere else in their living space. So, when you find small insects in your home that appear to be bed bugs, it’s only natural to assume that’s what they must be. Believe it or not, though, bed bugs are sometimes mistaken for other, similar-looking insects. How can you spot the difference between a bed bug and its “twin”? Keep reading to find out. 

Bugs Brought in by Pets

One of the most common bugs mistaken for a bed bug is a flea. Pet owners are especially at risk for fleas entering the home. Because of their color, fleas bear a resemblance to bed bugs, but their long legs are a distinguishing feature. A flea bite can appear the same as a bite from a bed bug, but fleas aren’t always found in beds. Fleas are also known for their jumping ability—something bed bugs can’t do.

Ticks are another bug that can be brought in by your pets. A little bit harder to notice because of their size, ticks are flat and burrow into your skin. While both pests are bloodsuckers, bed bugs won’t attach themselves to their host as ticks do. 

Bugs That get in on Their Own

Some bugs don’t need to hitch a ride on your four-legged companion. Carpet beetles, for instance, can just as easily sneak their way into your home by other methods. Carpet beetles have similar body types as bed bugs but have black and white patterns with red scales. They have fuzzy exteriors and can blend in with your carpet. 

Adults have the ability to fly, so it is harder to catch them if you’re able to spot them at all. Carpet beetles don’t bite, but they can cause skin irritation if you come in contact with their larvae. 

Cockroach nymphs (baby cockroaches) can get into your home just like any other invader by squeezing through cracks and crevices. Cockroach nymphs are hatched white but immediately turn a reddish color after a few hours. These critters go everywhere, so there’s always a possibility that you can spot them near your bed, though it’s not their target. Nymphs aim for anywhere with food and warmth. The amount of food available greatly affects cockroach nymphs’ early development.

Finding insects in your home that, at first glance, appear to be bed bugs is alarming, but don’t panic: This doesn’t necessarily mean you have a bed bug infestation. Unfortunately, though, it could mean you have a different pest on your hands. Either way, your pest is no match for Lethal Pest Solutions. Our highly skilled and professional team of pest control technicians will put together a comprehensive plan to rid your home of any kind of infestation you might have this summer. Contact Lethal Pest Solutions today!